2009-2014 华北电力大学,博士(硕博连读)
国家自然科学基金,41701621,多重不确定扰动下能源-环境系统建模及优化路径研究—以京津冀为例,2018/01 -2020/12,25万元,在研,主持。
国家自然科学基金,71704010,环境规制对高耗能产业绿色转型影响机理研究:以钢铁产业为例, 2018/01 -2020/12,18万元,在研,参与。
国家自然科学基金,71704009,气候变化对我国社会经济影响与风险评估研, 2018/01 -2020/12,18万元,在研,参与。
(1) Cong Chen*, Lei Yu*, Xueting Zeng, Guohe Huang, Yongping Li, Planning an energy–water–environment nexus system in coal-dependent regions under uncertainties, Energies, 2020, 13: 208 (SCI检索)
(2) Chen Cong*, Zeng Xueting, Yu Lei, Huang Guohe, Li Yongping; Planning energy-water nexus systems based on a dual risk aversion optimization method under multiple uncertainties, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 255: 120100 (SCI/SSCI双检索)
(3) Cong Chen*, Xueting Zeng, Guohe Huang, Lei Yu, Yongping Li. Robust planning of energy and environment systems through introducing traffic sector with cost minimization and emissions abatement under multiple uncertainties. Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(928):41. (SCI/SSCI双检索)
(4) Cong Chen*, Mingzhu Qi, Xiangming Kong, Guohe Huang, Yongping Li. Air pollutant and CO2 emissions mitigation in urban energy systems through a fuzzy possibilistic programming method under uncertainty, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 192: 115-137. (SCI/SSCI双检索) (5) Cong Chen*, Ying Zhu, Xueting Zeng, Guohe Huang, Yongping Li, Analyzing the carbon mitigation potential of tradable green certificates based on a TGC-FFSRO model: A case study in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 630: 469-486. (SCI检索)
(6) Cong Chen, Hualou Long*, Xueting Zeng, Planning a sustainable urban electric power system with considering effects of new energy resources and clean production levels under uncertainty: A case study of Tianjin, China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 173: 67-81. (SCI/SSCI双检索)
(7) Cong Chen, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang, Interval-fuzzy municipal-scale energy model (IF-MEM) for identification of optimal strategies for energy management – A case study of Tianjin, Renewable Energy, 2016( 86): 1161-1177. (SCI检索)
(8) Cong Chen, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang, An inexact robust optimization method for supporting carbon dioxide emissions management in regional electric-power systems, Energy Economics, 2013 (40): 441-456. (SSCI检索).
(9) Cong Chen, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang, Ying Z, An inexact robust nonlinear optimization method for energy systems planning under uncertainty, Renewable Energy, 2012 (47): 55-66. (SCI检索).
(10) Cong Chen, Yongpi Li*, Guohe Huang, Yanfeng Li, Electric power systems planning in association with air pollution control and uncertainty analysis, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy, 2012 (61): 563-575. (SCI检索).
(11) Cong Chen, Yongping Li, Guohe Huang*, Ying Zhu, A robust risk analysis method for water resources allocation under uncertainty, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2013 (27): 713-723. (SCI检索)
(12)陈聪(#)(*),黄国和,李永平,李萌文,基于随机鲁棒区间方法的生物质电厂选址风险分析模型,农业工程学院,2013 (20): 206~213. (EI检索).
(13) 陈聪,李薇*,李延峰,祝颖,生物质发电厂优化选址建模及决策研究,农业工程学报, 2011 (1) : 255~260. (EI检索).
(14) Ying Zhu, Xiaxia Yan, Cong Chen, Yongping Li, Guohe Huang, Yexin Li. Analysis of industry-air quality control in ecologically fragile coal dependent cities by an uncertain Gaussian diffusion-Hurwicz criterion model. Energy policy, 132:1191-1205, 2019.
(15) Kong Xiangming, Zeng Xueting, Chen Cong, Fan Yurui*, Huang Guohe*, Li Yongping, and Wang Chunxiao, Development of a Maximum Entropy-Archimedean Copula-Based Bayesian Network Method for Streamflow Frequency Analysis—A Case Study of the Kaidu River Basin, China, Water, 2018, 11(42): doi:10.3390/w11010042
(16) Xueting Zeng, Cong Chen, Yinan Sheng, Chunjiang An, Xiangming Kong, Shan Zhao, and, Guohe Huang. Planning Water Resources in an Agroforest Ecosystem for Improvement of Eegional Ecological Function under Uncertainties. Water, 2018 doi:10.3390/w10030415.